
Notre-Dame de Paris Canada

Notre-Dame de Paris Canada

Restoration of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris

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The Canadian Friends of the Panzi Foundation – Democratic Republic of Congo

The Canadian Friends of the Panzi Foundation – Democratic Republic of Congo

Providing support to female victims of sexual violence and facilitating access to healthcare.

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The Canadian Friends of The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

The Canadian Friends of The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Creating opportunities for young musicians and masters to cross the Atlantic both sides for mastering and performing opportunities (Canada-Belgium)

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Education of HIV-positive mothers

Education of HIV-positive mothers

Give HIV-positive mothers and their children in Kenya a future

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Supporting Young Classical Musicians at the Verbier Festival

Supporting Young Classical Musicians at the Verbier Festival

High-level training for young musicians and classical music concerts (Switzerland)

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Children protection and inclusion in the Philippines, with Virlanie

Children protection and inclusion in the Philippines, with Virlanie

Assisting families, children and orphans in severe poverty in Manila.

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“Espoir d’Enfant” (Children’s Hope) Orphanage Project in Benin

“Espoir d’Enfant” (Children’s Hope) Orphanage Project in Benin

Financing school fees for orphaned girls in Benin.

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The Canadian Friends of Youth Impact

The Canadian Friends of Youth Impact

HIV prevention and quality education in Botswana.

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Preserving a venetian heritage

Preserving a venetian heritage

Restoration of the library of the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venize (Italy)

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The Canadian Friends of the Common Goal

The Canadian Friends of the Common Goal

Translating the power of football into sustainable social change.

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The YouthStart Fund (Belgium)

The YouthStart Fund (Belgium)

Stimulate entrepreneurship among disadvantaged youngsters.

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The Canadian friends of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain – Belgium)

The Canadian friends of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain – Belgium)

Scholarships to deserving students who are financially not well-off and scientific research.

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